Terabyte Services: the ultimate platform for managing your online communities

Terabyte Services is a great new tool coming to the market real soon, and its development is a great story for new developers looking to get their feet wet. Originally built to gap-fill for one platform, Terabyte Services has constructed a community management and “Human Resources” product that surely will shake up the market space.

Competitors beware, there are an abundance of features that make “TBS” a force not to be reckoned with. Gamers and content creators - do you use Discord for your communities? Terabyte Services integrates with Discord’s API easily with just one little bot - no commands, no setup. Terabyte Services was grown by the community - meaning the features and tools added to the service are only the ones that are deemed required and useful - no more bloat or paywalled features. Terabyte was primarily forms-based - meaning communities had “job applications” they could use to manage roles in their organisations.

In the latest release of the platform, Terabyte Services evolved into a whole suite of Human Resources management. If you have integrations with Roblox or Discord, you can automatically rank members on those platforms based on different states of acceptance. Most of our competitors do not support integrations within Roblox nor Discord, typically they only support integration for Roblox. On the other hand, Terabyte Services has included great tools that have potential to expand into something phenomenal. The best part about TBS? We’re not here to make some quick and easy money, we are here to provide easy-to-use yet powerful tools for everyone to utilize, for free. 

Because we’re community driven, we always are open to feedback and reviews. If you want to take part in assisting with our development, feel free to use our public alpha today and give us your opinions on our Discord.

© 2024 - Terabyte Services HR
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